In order to help protect your loan and help preserve your standard of living, we are proud to Partner with CUNA Mutual Group to offer Debt Protection for our loans.
Thinking about taking out a loan to make home improvements or buy a vehicle? You should take steps to protect you and your family in case something unforeseen happens. You’re betting you can pay back your loan and not pass on that debt to your loved ones. But what happens if:
- You lose your job (through no fault of your own)
- You were to become disabled (due to injury or illness)
- You need to take family leave, or
- You pass away?
This can leave your family responsible for this debt and with the reduction in income into the household, it could jeopardize your family and their way of life.
Debt Protection is a voluntary loan-payment protection product designed to help you get relief from loan payments if a protected life event unexpectedly happens to you.
We offer Debt Protection on all loans in the form of Debt Protection Life, Debt Protection Disability, and Debt Protection Involuntary Unemployment.